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LTE for Mission Critical communication

Tested by Mission critical organisations worldwide, LTE has demonstrated to be the right network able to fulfil all mission critical communication requirements.

Why LTE? Despite several improvements required, LTE has both excellent frequency efficiency and quality of service.

Thanks to the high data speed, the communication has low latency and also allow real time video.

Furthermore, it has Native IP services and operations can run below the 1GHz frequency.

What are the improvements required?

There are several improvements required such as:

  • Increase of Availability,
  • Resilience,
  • End to end encryption,
  • Group communication,
  • Priorities and pre-emption and
  • Direct mode communication.


In recent years a lot has been done about network availability. Nowadays there is only a handful of countries where LTE is not yet available.

Overall, the growth of LTE has been exponential and widespread.

However, the LTE market size comes from the commercial network that have presence in almost every country with 5.5 billion LTE subscriptions as per first quarter of 2020.

On the other hand, the Mission critical market size is very limited, with less than 0.1% of the commercial market size.

A first step to increase the size and capacity of the Mission critical networks has been taken in the USA, in the UK and in Japan where there has been a focus on the development of a dedicated Mission Critical LTE network.

The shift from radio frequency to LTE has diversified the stakeholder involved and, as a result, the vertical markets have also evolved.

They now include the commercial mobile networks, internet of life saving things, Mission critical but also public safety and critical communication together with Railways, connected industries and automation and so on.

This variety of different verticals has required standardisation, in order to develop expensive technology and save on costs by developing it together.

By working together, there has been an increase in choice of compatible devices, but also the products have seen an increase in product innovation and competition, with improved quality at lower prices.

Not only the clients benefit from this, but also industries that will have a wider market to sell increased volumes of products. This also impact the research and development with more possibility to invest in new technology and faster production times.

RugGear and LTE devices for Mission critical communication.

RugGear has been an active part in the development of new LTE technology for mission critical communication.

Our Research and Development team has been actively taking part in the ETSI MCX Plugtests and worked side by side with partners such as TASSTA and ZELLO to guarantee the interoperability of our devices with existing and future technology.

If you want to find out more about RugGear and how we can help your communication, get in touch.